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Old 11-09-2020, 01:13 AM
Shinsoo Shinsoo is offline
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If it means I would interfere with a sentinent being's free will to exist, I don't eat it. So any animal products and that includes honey as well, is off the table for me.

Animals do have souls, as we do, and evolve. They can evolve into human souls. And humans can also devolve into animal souls.

I have heard on good authority that while plants are cognizant of sensations, they cannot evolve into animal souls, much less human ones.

Again, that is just my stance tho. You do you. I ain't your judge and jury. :)
“Because to take away a man's freedom of choice, even his freedom to make the wrong choice, is to manipulate him as though he were a puppet and not a person.” --Madeline l'Engle
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