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Old 03-09-2020, 07:42 AM
Sylmar Sylmar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 517
Originally Posted by Hilary
I practice lucid dreaming induction techniques, it is hard work. But it is so much fun. These crystals (came as a pair) are for increasing vividness of dreams. However, they seemed thrilled that I'm a lucid dreamer.

However, they have a condition for me before they will work with me. I told them no, they are asking something I am not comfortable with, and I respected their right to decide if they help or not. I think we are building a relationship and they may decide to come around in time. Or at least, some of the time :) Sassiest crystals I've ever met! :)
I'm hoping to learn more about lucid dreaming. I do have vivid dreams but having the opportunity to actually be lucid would be very nice.

I do know crystals can be very persistant and that's why I often switch. I love that by becoming more sensitive and having built a large selection I've more or less built my own medicine cabinet.
But by becoming more sensitive to crystals I've noticed it's harder for me to actually recommend crystals to others as there are so many subtile variations.
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