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Old 24-08-2020, 06:40 PM
WhiteWarrior WhiteWarrior is offline
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Originally Posted by alexis.l.s.h
what i have been told about how to make holy water is to pray over it.

What i figure to do with it is to meditate over it, and ask my spiritual guides, angels and the holy spirit to bless it. i need it to cleanse an object that might hold some negative energy do to a suicide it was used for.

also are there some objects that cant be cleansed? like guns?

The christian church's holy water, if I remember a chemical analysis someone made once correctly, is water from a spring which has had some salt added and then been prayed over.

Salt water is as you know also found in the sea and that is undrinkable, but the percentage of salt in holy water is so low that it is drinkable. I have not had a sip and cannot judge. What I do know is that salt water has legitimate medical use in killing certain water organisms and can be used to cleanse wounds and even eyes. You can buy it in apothecaries, as saline.

Outside the christian world, water is also considered holy and/or used in spiritual connections. Crystals are cleaned by holding them under running water for a while. You can cleanse yourself spiritually in the shower as well as physically. Some indian tribes started the day by a bath in the nearby river, putting their head below the surface seven times.

To make holy water you do it what way that makes sense to you. Praying over it is fine and enough, if you feel it is enough.

Any physical object picks up energy over the years, especially if it is used. Guns tend to get old and some times they are put to bad use. You can cleanse a gun. I would rather pray over a suitable oil and use that than water, to be honest. But I would see it as a good occasion to pray for bad energies to be removed from the gun too; maybe ask that it be put to better uses in the future than it was in the past.
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
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