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Old 18-08-2020, 11:29 PM
sentient sentient is offline
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Originally Posted by feather
Our spirit takes us on many journeys.
Spirit takes us where it takes us.
It sure does.

Like many 'indigenous persons', I too felt like a jigsaw puzzle with many vital pieces missing.
Being a descendant of war-refugees .... for reasons, not much of the past of who we are was told.

Prior to DNA tests, the only way to get a sense of the past as a whole - was through intuition.

So why did I have past life Siberian memories and knowing – for example my Totems etc. etc. ?
Why did I feel like I am a White-Sea-Karel/Saami mix?
Why often, when I would go deeper within about my ‘Siberian’ (cellular memory) – ‘Native American’ connection would pop up?

With the DNA-test – my Spirit guided journey was validated and put to rest as I am White-Sea-Karel/Saami/Siberian + still carrying some; - so called “Amerind admixture” from way back + of course a really hefty dose of Neanderthal (Can't get more "First Nations" than that, *smile*)

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