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Old 16-08-2020, 04:40 PM
linen53 linen53 is offline
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Originally Posted by iamthat
From the esoteric tradition:

A personality consists of the physical, emotional and mental bodies created in each incarnation, all bound up as a particular identity.

On the higher mental planes there is a causal body which is the vehicle of the Soul.

Within this causal body there are the permanent atoms for the physical, emotional and mental bodies, which are like the blueprints from which these bodies are created. These permanent atoms are modified by the experiences of each incarnation.

At physical death the physical body dies and returns to the elements whence it came. The emotional and mental bodies remain on the astral plane. Later the the individual progresses to the mental plane, discarding the emotional body, and the astral substance returns to the astral elements whence it came. Later the lower mental body is discarded, and that too dissolves back into mental substance. The individual then rests in the causal body.

So the personality has now ceased to exist. Its various physical, emotional and mental elements have returned to their respective planes. But the experiences undergone and lessons learned are imprinted on the permanent atoms within the causal body. This will affect the bodies created for the next incarnation.

So personality has no conscious memories of previous existences because that personality has had no previous existences. But the information is still present and may be accessed.

What is this me that is remembering? Surely it is consiousness which remembers rather than the personality of Deb? And the consciousness expressing through Deb in this lifetime is the same consciousness which was present in the past life.


So you are saying that at each stage of ascension, I, this personality, me, discards a bit more of the individualness of me (the dross), until there is only the pure astral part of me left. It's difficult for me to imagine what just the astral part of me is. Is it still me?

At that point, I think you are saying, I merge with my soul. Or should I say Soul.

Is this the merging with Creator? Or at the last of physical incarnations generated by my soul are over and steps to ascensions of the personalities has been completed, then does the soul become one with the Creator? The Oversoul, if you will?

It's all so difficult to me to picture. I am afraid of losing "me."

Last edited by linen53 : 16-08-2020 at 07:27 PM.
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