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Old 15-08-2020, 06:01 PM
linen53 linen53 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 14,332
stillwater you need to put you first. Learn to love yourself and you will attract loving people to you.

It's harder than it looks.

The first step I had to own was that I looked at myself as a victim and a survivor. Uh-uh. Not true. I had to change that around and own that I am the author of my own life. I set myself up to learn hard lessons. The ones who hurt me didn't.

Once that was out of the way, I had to really own who I am. Sure there are things about me that I am not proud of, but overall, I'm a really good person. Loyal, honest, integrity, and meaner than hell if you step on my toes. I'm proud of all of that. I've come a long way. Saying that, I love me.
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