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Old 14-08-2020, 08:34 PM
nurseokay nurseokay is offline
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entity attached to me.

i'd like to preface this with saying that i'm not afraid of this entity in any way. my main goal with all this is to figure out what it is, what it wants to me, and to establish some form of communication with it.
i grew up in a catholic household, so there's never been an option for me to connect with things beyond the physical plane. there's been no ouijas or summonings involved!

it's been present my entire life. my parents swear up and down i've been playing with something they couldn't see since i was a baby. my house is supposedly haunted as well - things thrown, cats terrified, strange smells, and my (and only my) name being called from time to time.

it's a heavy presence. feels masculine and tall. from time to time, it'll sleep in my bed. i can feel the weight next to me, as if someone had dumped six full bags of rice next to me.
cuts and bruises are a common thing. most of them don't have an explanation since i rarely leave the house (even before covid!). i've been bitten by it a few times. feels like a thousand needles for a second. sometimes it'll squeeze my hands gently or tap incessantly on some part of my body. unwelcome sexual contact has happened multiple times.

it's shown an intelligence and some awareness of my thoughts. the best and most recent example i can give occurred last week. i've been giving a lot of thought to seeing it. i want to know what it looks like. it was late at night, i was doing work. something pale and massive moves across my room and exits. i could feel the air move, like you would when someone quickly walks past you.
i've also ordered it to stop scaring my cat. or more like thought really hard at it when i felt it in bed with me. my cat hasn't had a big panic over something unseen ever since.

a couple girls at my old elementary school firmly believe the school is haunted. i never told them the source of those knocks and cold spots belonged to it.

and though i've never seen it, i've always known when it is around. the same as knowing the cat is sleeping beside you, or a family member is behind the couch watching television with you.

it might have ill intent. i don't really know. it's never caused permanent harm and again, i don't have any fear of it. it exists, it comes and goes, and sometimes i want to call it a *****.

does anyone have the same experience? have a clue on what it is? could give me a tip on reliable communication?
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