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Old 13-08-2020, 06:57 PM
Aethera Aethera is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 452
Originally Posted by A human Being
Nada from Awaken Insight on overcoming loneliness:

'To escape loneliness, you have to surrender to being alone; to go from a state of loneliness to aloneness means confronting your loneliness, it's because we're always running from it that we never escape it.'

'All the things we do to escape loneliness are really only temporary distractions at best. It's like covering the symptoms of a disease without really curing it; if you want to cure the disease, you don't try to cover it up - rather, you examine it, you find out what it is and what's causing it. You go to the root of it and you pluck it out.'

'I've found that the most effective way to overcome loneliness is to simply be with it, to allow it, to go deeply into it. We resist it because there's no-one to distract us from our own thoughts when we're alone, and in our minds there's so much fear and insecurity that we'd rather not face, there's so much uncertainty and discomfort, and this is why being alone can be so difficult and painful. But if we can embrace aloneness and face these inner demons, we can overcome that discomfort and actually find joy in being alone.'
Very insightful and true~ I think for some it's a scary place to go. But also necessary to help them understand why they are feeling the way they are during those moments.
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