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Old 05-08-2020, 08:28 PM
Untersberg56 Untersberg56 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 165
This member might consider the cult known as Marcionism.

At the time of the Crusades, remains of Hebrew writings were found in the Temple ruins. They were translated by the erudite St Etienne Harding and found to be fragments of statements by Jewish spies who at the order of the priesthood reported on the actions of the "cursed mamzer" (son of a *****) Jesus and his blasphemy against the God of Israel.

According to these spies, Jesus called the Hebrew God Satan, and reproached the Jews for having made the devil himself into their only God. Traces of this can still be found in the Gospel of John (John 8:44) "You belong to your father, the devil". Furthermore the Jews never called their god "Father" but Yahveh and El Shaddai - Sheitan, the fallen angel.

A Provencal commandery received a document probably from Cathar circles. It was a piece of the original gospel of John written by the heretic MARCION in 9 AD. A letter was enclosed which gave a brief history of Marcion's life. He had succeeded in founding an important Christian movement between 90 and 130 AD which only began to decline after he was murdered.

MARCION, who had actually met the apostle John, taught that Jesus Christ had been sent by the true God and that the Hebrew god was Satan himself. Jesus came to the Earth to try to reform the Jews in their belief. After the death of Marcion, the early Church fathers had to explain who God was and the cleverest thing thiey could think of doing was attach the Old Testament to the Christian Testament so that the god of Israel became the Father of Jesus.

There is much more to this story from a slightly later period which give very much food for thought.
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