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Old 03-08-2020, 01:30 AM
RedEmbers RedEmbers is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 3,515
Originally Posted by Tullyquinn11
I will miss this section of the forum. I dont post much but i really enjoy reading.
I have really enjoyed your writings red embers. Its inspiring and thought provocking.
Reading these poems and wonderings at times resonates with me so much. Thankyou for that.

Hi Tullyquinn11, seems that this thread may just potentially change to a "Free hugs" thread, contemplating a new title.
here is a hug

There is no other place like this place.

I am so happy that something I have done in life has inspired another person. I often feel like I write an awful lot of drivel haha which to be honest, I do... but I leave just a few gems behind occasionally which makes it all worth it.
It truly makes my soul quite happy to read your comment. That must be important for me to hear because I often think in terms of what non material legacy I will leave behind after I am gone.

We are in weird times, as you mention. Thank you for the reminder! I become complacent at times and forget to look outside of my bubble! Just one of the problems when Living in a place which is far away from it all.
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