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Old 02-08-2020, 04:09 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Originally Posted by iamthat
I repeat Stephan Bodian's words:

... until this enlightenment dawns in the particular body-mind it's just an abstract concept with little power to relieve your suffering and transform your experience of reality, which is the whole point of the awakening process.

Saying that it is already Oneness not realising so realisation does not increase connection to Oneness is an intellectual concept, which may satisfy some people. The reality of such a realisation is that there is now a conscious connection to Oneness, which removes the need for all intellectual concepts.

The reason why all these Neo-Advaita teachers are out there teaching is because they had such a realisation. Without this realisation they would not be teaching.


The words spoken by such teachers can be resonated with or not. Personal invalidation of such teachers is traditional propoganda attempting to protect its turf, as unforunately has historically been the case when new approaches come along.
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