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Old 13-07-2020, 09:58 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Location: West Wales. u.k
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Originally Posted by MikeS80
The spiritual foundation is nothing/no-thing-aka the source/brahman/the tao/the eternal right here and right now, heaven, nirvana, god or whatever name you give it, is infinte empty unoccupied space (with the exception of the energy we can't see with our human eyes), which exists before and after the "big bang".

This means nothing is indeed something. Nothing/nothingness is just empty unoccupied space that has energy in it. This nothing and energy just exists and is eternal-has no beginning and has no end.

Something is occupied space/matter that "our" consciousness is aware of because occupied space/matter is inside/contained in unoccupied space. Occupied space/matter can be destroyed, but the energy that is inside occupied space/matter can't be destroyed because all the forms of energy that is inside occupied space/matter is the nothing/nothingness.

I think the above puts non-duality/oneness into more context/perspective.

There is no need to invoke the concept of nothing. For all we know there may have always been something. THE POTENTIAL/ENERGY for something IS something and not nothing.

When the term Oneness is used in nonduality it is not meant to indicate some sort of entity but simply that, despite the very convincing , solid looking appearance of difference, All s One.

Last edited by Iamit : 13-07-2020 at 10:50 AM.
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