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Old 06-07-2020, 02:21 PM
Hologram8 Hologram8 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Spirit world
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you said you are catholic --- can your church help you with this ?

maybe you could find a better town or neighborhood with less toxic people -- I don't know if you live in the usa but if you do here is a good site to find out about cities and neighborhoods -- just type in a city name that you are interested in ---- I don't know how to deal with the spirits - maybe you should ask for help

this video says you should ask a priest for help according to your belief system

I feel like my family knows people that aren't mean to them but are mean to me.

I don't know anything about your family -- but mine is satanic - they are the most evil people in the world -- they are in the same cult as a whole bunch of really evil dangerous people who they have mess with me -- they have tried to kill me and they have tried to hurt me -- they are managers on my jobs etc. -- there is no mistaking it they are connected to my parents -my aunt is one of them and my mom -- I always thought my dad was better than that but I finally figured out that he's involved as well -- everywhere I go they attack my life

I moved to a better town where people don't act like that -- but when I got there I was at a christian rescue mission and the people there were evil - I felt a lot better when I got away from there -- except I went to a motel -- and I knew they would mess with me because those people always do -- and they did - but they are the minority in a good town like that and as long as you stay away from them you will be fine

I just try to avoid them all and do my own thing - I wish I could put a restraining order on my whole family
I'm not trying to turn you against your family if they are innocent -- but if they are not innocent - then you should make your own way without them
just my opinion -
I remember one time I only had one friend left that I thought was a good person - and then one day he told me about how he is a sadist : ( - that's not good - he is not my friend anymore -- I try my best to be my own best friend

maybe you have some kind of disability -- I am schizophrenic - I am normal but also schizophrenic -- maybe you should seek some kind of counseling -

maybe you are disabled - if you were it's nothing to be ashamed of -- it has made my life much more bearable - I cannot begin to make you understand how much easier and better my life is now - I can sleep at night and I have a steady paycheck that takes care of my needs without having to be abused by people at work ---
I can afford my own place and I don't have to be abused at home - as long as I have respectful neighbors and right now I do -- they are quiet and don't disturb me

I get a disability check because the Gods honest truth is that I am disabled

Last edited by Hologram8 : 06-07-2020 at 11:05 PM.
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