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Old 05-07-2020, 04:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Iamit
If nonduality (Oneness) is accepted as the only reality in that nondual story, then It must be Oneness manifesting as duality (There is nothing else real available).

So if you are saying that duality is problematic, its like saying that the very basis of nonduality, namely Oneness, is not accepted.

I was not talking about Duality being problematic and even if I was you would have to first Define what you consider to be "problematic" because conflict only arises within duality and so because Duality seems to be the only observable place for conflict to happen that brings up the question (fundamentally speaking ) is it really conflict? Or are we calling that which is not in our favor "conflict "?

You can't dismiss the lack of evidence for non-duality's existence by saying that duality is the manifestation of non-duality . Non-duality could not have its only manifestation be duality because that would automatically make it not non-duality because if you're only manifestation is the opposite (duality) of what you claim (non-duality) then by definition it is only duality.

I'm sorry but you cant override the evidence called life with the concept called non-duality.

And what does this have to do with me stating that the Atlantis stories having been mistaken by people raised watching Hollywood movies and in reality are just alchemical allegories?
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