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Old 01-07-2020, 09:27 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Elfin
Hi, yes I am ok with all of that. I know that there is no such thing as death. I believe in past lives. I have spirits of loved ones around me all the time. My twin sister is always with me.

thank you - I thought you probably knew but I decided just to check.

But it's hard because I never knew what happened to him. I've never felt his presence. I would love to think that he was born again into a loving family.

That's awful sad you don't feel him the way you can feel your sister and others. I can't say why that should be but contact can never be guaranteed. Perhaps he actually is around but maybe your grief and guilt makes it hard or impossible for him to approach you. Could you mentally send out a request to your 'regulars' to find out on your behalf? I don't know if you're in actual communication with any of them so that might be a viable idea.

It is quite possible your son has indeed undertaken a new life and I also hope it's a happy one, the kind you would have wanted to give him.

But somehow I'm tortured with the image that his little soul never went to spirit as punishment to me!
I'm so sorry you worry about that. Your thoughts are your self-punishment and there's likely nobody more judgmental about you than you yourself. I feel sure others will already have told you what I had thought about saying to try to reassure you. So I won't say it....

One day , I am sure I will find out! Thank you for being so kind... Many would call me names, and if they did that I would understand.

I only wish I could help. One day I am totally certain you will learn all the details. It's possible your guides and your sister have already helped you during your visits to their world during sleep, visits we're told happens routinely. But we don't usually remember these visits at a conscious level and without remembering them your grief and guilt won't leave you. It's very frustrating I can't tell you anything helpful.

If you haven't tried before would you consider sitting with a (spiritual) medium? I'm assuming you're in the US where mediums are few and far between and that can make it hard to find a reputable, experienced one.

I'm so sorry some people call you names. Some are just dreadfully hurtful.
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