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Old 01-07-2020, 05:59 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by leadville
I guess you'll keep beating yourself up but you're reproaching yourself for something that at the the time you just couldn't change and at the time you were too young to stick out to achieve a different outcome.

Hindsight is 20/20 vision and we see better looking back and often wish how we'd done something different. I would imagine many of us regret things we did or didn't do. Add to that your heightened sensitivity/empathy and you're likely to feel it even more acutely than you might have done had you not been.

I don't know you so I need to ask if you're OK with what you know about life, death and survival?
Hi, yes I am ok with all of that. I know that there is no such thing as death. I believe in past lives. I have spirits of loved ones around me all the time. My twin sister is always with me. But it's hard because I never knew what happened to him. I've never felt his presence. I would love to think that he was born again into a loving family. But somehow I'm tortured with the image that his little soul never went to spirit as punishment to me! One day , I am sure I will find out! Thank you for being so kind... Many would call me names, and if they did that I would understand.
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