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Old 01-07-2020, 05:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Elfin
Thank you. Your words are very kind. I could never do to a child of mine what was done to me. I simply couldn't. But having said that I have looked back and often wondered should I have done more? Should I have stood up to them? Should I have run away?... But I am also HSP/ empath ..and during those years I didn't know what was "wrong" with me. I knew I was "different" but I didn't know why and because of it I was quiet and introverted and my father was fiercesome. And even then I am not trying to make excuses or seek pity for I deserve neither. I should have protected my child and I didn't. But he was always loved.

I guess you'll keep beating yourself up but you're reproaching yourself for something that at the the time you just couldn't change and at the time you were too young to stick out to achieve a different outcome.

Hindsight is 20/20 vision and we see better looking back and often wish how we'd done something different. I would imagine many of us regret things we did or didn't do. Add to that your heightened sensitivity/empathy and you're likely to feel it even more acutely than you might have done had you not been.

I don't know you so I need to ask if you're OK with what you know about life, death and survival?
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