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Old 01-07-2020, 05:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by leadville
I am so sad to hear what happened to you, Elfin, and I sensed you wanted to share something. I agree that the word abortion is cold and it's clinical and lacking compassion. It's why I prefer to say 'termination' - they're only words but words are all we have.

Your story is desperately sad and clearly no-one cared a jot about YOU. Your parents let you down, the behavior of the father of your child was despicable. I could use different words but not when I'm writing in public.

I expect you must still be hurting and I totally get that - why wouldn't you? But your child will understand what happened and why - he's not a child now of course. He will have had love and help and will be doing just fine. You deserve to forgive yourself; circumstances and other people determined what happened. You didn't get a proper say and that was plain wrong.

I'm not defending your parents but they may never have had a chance either. Maybe they did to you what they'd been indoctrinated into doing by upbringing, society, church or whatever. Again I'm not defending them but often an abuser has been abused or maybe it was simply what they'd learned from others as they grew up.

I hope my thoughts have helped you a little.
Thank you. Your words are very kind. I could never do to a child of mine what was done to me. I simply couldn't. But having said that I have looked back and often wondered should I have done more? Should I have stood up to them? Should I have run away?... But I am also HSP/ empath ..and during those years I didn't know what was "wrong" with me. I knew I was "different" but I didn't know why and because of it I was quiet and introverted and my father was fiercesome. And even then I am not trying to make excuses or seek pity for I deserve neither. I should have protected my child and I didn't. But he was always loved.
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