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Old 20-05-2020, 10:54 AM
ThatMan ThatMan is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 2,842
Give to your heart what your heart desires, but know that nothing from what it desires will ever help find me. Your heart searches for me, but it searches me in the things of this world because the heart is of this world. The spirit searches for me in the things of the spirit, because the spirit is not of this world.

Father, how can I be in spirit and in the world at the same time? Give to your heart what is of its own and give to your spirit what is of the spirit. If you only give to your heart, you are not in spirit, and if you only give to your spirit, you are not in the world.

When you are in spirit but you still follow your heart, the spirit grows sad. When you are in the flesh but you follow the spirit, the flesh grows sad.
The truth.
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