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Old 25-04-2011, 07:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Hypnosis and its Relationship to Tempation

My understanding of hypnosis is limited, and I have some questions.

Hypnosis involves associating one thing (e.g. something considered good) with something else (e.g. something considered evil)?

If, like temptation, there is success in doing something good in one regard of any given event,
While there was the desire to do evil, but avoided, in a different regard of the same event,
Can contentment be associated with the desire to do the evil in a similar event?

And if certain cues of a similar event are given through repetition,
Can this increase you're contentment in desiring to do evil,

The more that we are unaware that we have made these associations,
Doing evil becomes automatic, without reasoning, when trying to do good?

Eventually, can this be generalized, in complete awareness, to the point where goodness itself means evil?
And manipulating physiological desires (eating, drinking, sleeping, sex, etc...) are powerful and effective places to start?
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