Thread: Chest Infection
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Old 24-04-2011, 04:57 AM
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Chest Infection

I've recently been diagnosed with a chest infection and have been prescribed antibiotics (amoxicillin) by the doctor. This infection paired with asthma obviously isn't the best thing which could happen a couple of days before school starts again!

My breathing isn't the problem though, it's been getting better as I've been using my asthma pumps and taking the prescribed antibiotics. The problem is this TERRIBLE itching in my throat, going down below my adams apple into my chest (not far into it though. I think it might be all the way down my trachea/windpipe; I don't know though, I'm not the best with the anatomy of the Human body ). NOTHING gets rid of it. I've tried honey and lemon water, painkillers, salt water gargle, lozenges, the list goes on. I haven't slept in two days because the itch is so uncomfortable, in fact, uncomfortable is a massive understatement!

Does anyone have any magic remedies/medicines which may be useful? All the doctor could offer me was honey and lemon water, which I tried before in vain. I know the antibiotics will eventually sort the itching out, but I just want something to temporarily stop the itching while I try and sleep, because the lack of sleep is really starting to grind me down
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