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Old 28-03-2020, 12:51 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Over the Rainbow
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A Message from Jesus today

Today I am going to channel Jesus and get some advice for how to move forward during these times to stay healthy and happy - thank you Jesus

Good morning Jesus

Good morning Helen. Take the time today to bask in the sunlight, feel it on your skin, put your feet in the earth, close your eyes and enjoy being outside on such a beautiful spring day. The weather speaks to you of good times in the past. Now extend that into your future. Good times in the future, when you can enjoy this same small miracle of the earth and the sun and the feeling of being safe.

You are reaching for the feeling of being safe. That the earth can protect you and keep you safe in her arms. Feel the nature around you, welcoming you into their embrace, as they call out to you, that frees up something inside yourself to call back to them. In this moment you are safe. No thoughts, just emotions of feeling good, feeling fine, feeling safe and secure.

There is nothing wrong that can’t be fixed. Humans tend to worry about things too much. There is nothing to worry about here. Take each day as it comes and greet the day with Joy and laughter, because why not? Why not? Why not?

You set the tone for your day, and your day will match that tone. Revisit it at lunch time, revisit it at break times, at dinner time, after dinner time. Keep the glow alive, and each day will be brighter and richer and normal. What is normal anyway? It is a feeling, nothing more. A feeling of normalcy is something that will get you through this with ease. Practice being normal, doing the things that you normally would do.

Be kind. Practice kindness, and each day kindness will find you as well. Be kind to the small creatures on your planet and the big creatures will respond.

Be yourself, be love, be light, be free.

Fear is something that the human creates. It is not real, it is just an emotion. Don’t absorb the fear, allow it to move through you and back out again if you encounter it. Be the free creature you are, be whole within yourself, keep providing for your family. You are doing great, there is nothing wrong, it is just different circumstances, but make it as fun as you can. Set boundaries if you need to, to do what you need to do. You are allowed. But be kind.

Kindness is called for, it calls forth great wonders. Of nature, of the natural world, of people who respond to your kindness, your state of being.

Tune yourself daily, each morning. Allow your guides to help you with this. Tune yourself like a tuning fork helps to tune a guitar. Be in tune with love, joy, kindness, fun and laughter.

You can’t go wrong.

When in life you find yourself on a path you had not known about or discovered before, there is always a fear that shows up with the unknown. Just know that the fear is not real, and you can change the fear to be something else. Like excitement. Excitement feels a lot like fear. Change the fear to excitement of things to come your way when you tune yourself.

You create your own reality. We have said it over and over, but this is how you do it. You are the creator, so you must create those feelings, those emotions, that you are wanting to hold within yourself.

Anytime you need help, ask. Ask your guides, your angels, your team, ask and then step away and allow the help, know the help is coming, will be there when you need it.

Trust in yourself, trust in us, trust your body, trust your neighbor, trust, trust and more trust.

Trust is a vibration that allows for more trust and allows for miracles to help guide you along your path. Trust is the touchstone, so keep touching it, keep it in your pocket, use it daily, don’t forget you have it in your toolbox. The vibration of trust echoes out beyond your awareness and touches those around you in a real way. It helps the earth, and its inhabitants. Joy and love are close behind trust, and the three can create great miracles in your now.

Trust. Joy. Love. Peace.

Thank you Jesus!
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