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Old 16-03-2020, 12:59 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi LibbyScorp,

One,i let go of my brother,as he was driven by his ego/false sense of self,but that said,we drifted apart and he stopped calling.

It was mutual,no animosity,no hard feelings etc.

Two,my sister,was in contact recently and had to let her go as well.
Same deal,ego driven and a false sense of self.

I let it be known,that it was pointless remaining in contact,different paths,banging a head against a brick wall etc.

So mutually parted ways,no animosity,no hard feelings etc.

Both saw me as out there being back on the spiritual path,so i'd imagine,they think they know better.

Both are the only human family i have left,apart from another brother i haven't seen in over 20yrs.

I wouldn't say there was a deep love with both or the other,more like a mutual love,just a connection being blood family.

And family,didn't feel like family anyway.

Though that said,i did have a strong bond with my mother,though her,herself,was misguided,but all the same had a large heart.

I think in the now,the hardest part of saying goodbye to my current and true deepest love,would be saying goodbye to my dog,when his time is up.

I guess,i'll learn the deepest of love,is not saying goodbye,but thankyou for the lessons of learning to love again and bringing down the walls of the heart,

Till we meet again,

Deepest lover of light,
Without grudge or sword to bare,
My blue eyed angel of light,
Your forgiving nature,is indeed rare.

Regards authentic and truest of friends.
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