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Old 29-02-2020, 09:58 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Maybe because there's more too it than your lifepath number?
I also think maybe you are too busy learning and doing the same thing? Or share similar traits & interest that then become a nuisance.
I've got that with Geminis. I have many Gemini traits as this is my rising sign. But when I'm with a Gemini for a longer period it get really annoying as they're doing all the things I'm doing, interested in all I'm interested in, and then try to overrule me, as if their thing is more important.
You end up in each other's energy, which rouses irritation.

I did have the exact same Soul lesson numbers as my ex. Not sure how that contributed to us breaking up in the end, or not. But we got along incredibly well. The match, click, interests, our energies matched like nothing we ever encountered before.
But we had life paths 4 and 8, which is also a good match, not the same numbers.

I think going only by life path numbers is not enough, like using only sun signs doesn't say much.
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