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Old 19-02-2020, 01:09 AM
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Originally Posted by guthrio

I came across this intriguing message and article, only just today...though you posted it months ago. Nevertheless, I think you will be equally intrigued to peruse to following sources from Seth, a non-physical entity channelled by author Jane Roberts, with whom she wrote numerous excellent books on this very topic.

Here are a couple from a search engine dedicated to sifting through the many topics Seth discussed...which pertain to "See, I do exist" and "I thought so" terms of what you posted from Science Daily (BTW: an excellent article!) whose scientists may be similarly surprised by the references below.
BTW: I invite you to use this search engine to find surprising aspects of reality of what we call "atom", as explained by Seth. Enjoy typing in different words in your search string (creation, simultaneous, time, antimatter, etc.)

Remember our previous exchange of emails describing how an electron being inspected in various iterations of the "two-slit" experiement, the electrons of the equipment, and the electrons of the scientists, themselves...are everywhere, and everywhen at once?

This is why WE exist every-where and every-when at once! ....and so does every atom of Shroedinger's cat(s), too!!




I thought this thread had died and gave up on it. Anyway, someone else quoted some Seth to me a while back and I was intrigued but failed to follow up. Lots of good and interesting stuff in those Atom links. Thx.

For example,
""In terms of probabilities, therefore, you choose certain acts, unconsciously transform these into physical events or objects, and then perceive them. But those unchosen events also go out from you and are projected into these other forms. Now the behavior of atoms and molecules is involved here, for again these are only present within your universe during certain stages. Their activity is perceived only during the range of particular vibratory rhythms. When your scientists examine them for example, they do not examine the nature, say, of an atom. They only explore the characteristics of an atom as it acts or shows itself within your system. Its greater reality completely escapes them."
—SS Chapter 16: Session 567, February 17, 1971"

This sound a good deal similar to how I envision Everett's many worlds QM interpretation.
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