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Old 04-02-2020, 05:29 AM
Ordnael Ordnael is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Himavanta
Posts: 393
Yesterday I watched this video, the chimpanzees get angry after seeing their image in the mirror:

Wanted to know why they reacted like that, the video gave no explanation, except suggesting they thought the ones in the mirror were enemies, so I used my intuition, which is best active when you're awake in bed between dreams. The answer I got is that they get frustrated because they can't smell the creatures in front of them, they think their senses aren't working properly and start throwing tantrums. In other words, they get angry because of the deception, not because they feel threatened.
My words of wisdom: Every civilization wishes to serve the Deity, but they can only do so to the extent of their wisdom and justice. & The greatest religious revelation is the correct interpretation of the things in the sky.
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