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Old 20-01-2020, 06:28 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
Even if spirits are real, I doubt they'd be around me because I'm probably too boring to them. There would be literally nothing to gain from lingering around me.
I feel exactly the same way.

There are many unseen "entities" around us ALL the time.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions and call them "ghosts" as I believe that entails much wishful thinking in regards to the immortality of the human soul...however, I don't completely rule out the possibility of ghosts existing either.

Whenever I have asked these entities what they are, I get quite a few different replies...everything from "elementals" to "Martians" to "fallen angels" and I honestly believe they are extra-dimensional in origin, who have the ability to interact with this dimension...they exist alright, yet they can also be whatever others believe them to be...either beneficial or detrimental.

With technology bombarding the atmosphere with RF/EMF and microwave pollution, this is destroying the veil between our world and theirs, letting in more of these entities through into our Dimension and from a place of much lower vibration, whereas ancient portals which existed on laylines around the Earth, only let in beings with higher vibrations because they were instructed on where and how to build these "star gates" and no, CERN isn't one of them and some negative stuff has come through the portal created by CERN.

I used to talk to these creatures...but the ones who were not open to communication only ever said two words: "Help Me" yet, whenever I asked them how I could help them because I didn't know how, they never spoke to me again....which I took as meaning that whatever it was, was only praying on the gullibility and empathy of human beings so they could somehow become an attachment or a parasite through all of those emotions...those I lack.

When these entities realised they were barking up the wrong tree..I didn't scare easily, nor did I feel any pity or compassion for them...I was just curious and nothing more, yet I wouldn't accept any beeswax either (like telling me they were my long dead grandma who couldn't remember my grandpa's name) they eventually gave up on me because I was too "boring" and didn't amuse them enough to want to have anything more to do with me.
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