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Old 14-01-2020, 08:21 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by janielee
Oh my gosh, could you be any more willingly and intentionally and grossly, uninformed, and perhaps even more problematic, uninterested in the facts you claim to be seeking? And so willing to pass lies and mistruths out into the ether?

Your response, in response to being given pertinent information (hint: Middle Way, Buddha, Awakening), and not even doing ANY* research, tells me you are not interested in any truths, only your own made up stories. I see why you found one blog in the whole internet to support you now, wow that was some scientific effort!

Hint*: a 1 second internet search on Buddha’s enlightenment would have showed you he had no mystical experiences under duress, starvation or any such state. Even a 2 minute scan would have found countless tales saying this.

I’ve promptly lost all respect for your authenticity, and the genuineness of your inquiries. A friend once told me that wisdom is the love of truth. Looks like you’re more into self admiration...

Too bad, I withdraw my earlier agreement, cheers. I’ll put you on ignore, times too precious to deal with liars, lies and those that so willingly spread them.

At the end of February, after Mahashivratri, I will be doing the Somwar Vrat Katha as a "right of passage" according to my tradition and belief system. This entails total fasting and penance for sixteen consecutive Mondays...and I do not expect a non-Shaivite to understand. ;)

I would never go on a 40 day fast nor do rigorous tapasya, as I deem it unecessary, but that is just me (and Buddha too, it seems).

I don't know if prolonged fasting causes hallucinations in which one experiences unity with the Divine when it could also cause hallucinations which may make one believe they are Spider-Man or they are being chased by demons...why should prolonged fasting only result in profound "mystical" hallucinations out of the multitude of possible variables?

I would not do a fast (water fast) for any longer than three consecutive days anyway and I feel that if one is into fasting, penance etc, three days per month is enough, just to clear out the system....which usually follows doing a gallbladder flush and/or colon flush including colonic irrigation.

The other 27-28 days should consist of a diet of easily digestible wholesome food with great nutritious benefit, avoiding refined carbs and only eating animal protein in moderation (about twice a week) or not at all.

Being in ketosis helps the body eliminate damaged cells and other waste products, helps energy and blood circulation and produces a "lightness of being" which makes meditation easier and contributes to positive spiritual experiences.

For everything else, I have just been to my doctor, explained what was going on with all this constant bickering on here...which was making me feel depressed and anything but "spiritual" on a so-called "spiritual forum" and so, I am under doctor's orders to take an internet break for one week every month to see how I feel....I call it "internet menstruation".

As such, I won't be replying to anyone questioning this post as I am also learning to say what I want and then forget about it, totally irrespective of who may query it, or ask me questions about it or anything.

If anybody wishes to contact me about my posts, they can do so via PM and not put it in the public domain...but I doubt anybody is gonna do that because I am robbing them of the opportunity to have an "audience" which is what I believe this is truly all about.
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