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Old 02-01-2020, 06:27 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by freebird
Thanks for the answer.
Even medics use the phrase "patient went unconscious", what does this mean? What happened to the spirit, then?

But how does someone know that the experience is indeed genuine? How does someone know that the experience is not just a hallucination or delusion or wishful thinking(as something induced)?

What happened to the spirit, then? Simple. Consciousness withdrew from the brain and so the patient went unconscious. Consciousness still remains even if the body is unconscious.

If you read about the NDE experiences of people then they say that it was the most real experience they have ever had. Unlike a delusion or hallucination, the impact of such an experience can remain with these people for the rest of their lives.

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