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Old 15-12-2019, 05:51 AM
SolXx SolXx is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 26
judaism, Christianity or the NEW Muslim Brotherhood

As I have searched all text written for the past 13,000 (including the 13 languages we can not decipher) years I find no common goal save one.
WE are that we are.

Judaism is our closest remembrances, Christianity is similar, Muslim is a perversions of boath then comes non thoughts of a god. The newest religion is of none of thee things.

Where do we stand people? your god there god my god what god?

is there a god?

Please my loved friends. be very careful on your thoughts here. For what are we are creation of what?
I beg you to respect all peoples opinion on this thread line. to harm ones opinion is to harm your own god hood.

If not? I require any moderator to disenfranchise any comments posted to defect any religious belief over any other. this is "NOT" a belief this is a spiritual thought.

You sprit is mine, your sole is yours alone as is mine.

With great love (edited here; to our entire confused species)
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