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Old 19-04-2011, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Lady Valkyrie
Yes, you can programme stones for different purposes, but stones which are not essentially a "blank canvas" and which carry their own initial "programme" will colour your intentions with their own vibration as well.

Clear quartz is the ultimate blank canvas; rose quartz and amethyst come close and are very versatile stones.

Jasper will colour your intentions with a powerful manifesting ability bringing your programme to life speedily, so (it's a cliche but...) be careful what you wish for. It is also a grounding stone so will help you notice opportunities in the physical plane to follow through on your intentions.

Turquoise will colour your intentions with the ability to communicate well and speak your truth. It is also a stone of angelic connection.

To programme a crystal, do the above cleansing and charging as described by star-child. Then dedicate the crystal to love and light with whatever words you choose. Finally, hold it to your heart and focus on a very clear phrase which is the programme you particularly want it to take on. When the programme has worked or your intentions have changed, repeat the cleansing and charging before using it again for another purpose.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for this Lady Valkyrie!! Something I was looking for.
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