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Old 19-11-2019, 06:55 PM
Jenny Crow Jenny Crow is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,194
Sunshine, Perhaps if you shared what your magical path is - such as Wicca, witchcraft etc etc. I or we could come up with something that you would be comfortable doing. One of the best ways would be to make a poppet of yourself incorporating as many of your "personals" as you care to then do a little naming ceremony. But before doing, make a box approximately the same size as your poppet is going to be. Attach mirrors on all six sides of the box, facing outwards. Then, after you've made your poppet put it into the box and seal it. Do a working charging the mirrors and the box to send away any negative energy that is sent to you. Or you can charge the mirrors and the box to return any negative energy/curses back to the sender. You could also buy some Fiery Wall of Protection oil and rub the inside of the box with it so your doll will be resting on the protection oil.
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