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Old 11-10-2019, 11:28 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 4,090
Think about: 6 of Pentacles. I know I know, work and income etc.

What you need to do: Queen of Swords reversed usually indicates emotionally clouded thinking, or irrational thinking, but in this case I just feel like the sword is very heavy and as if the figure may be having to make a heavy decision. If so, it fits with my situation - I've been unwell and unable to work for two weeks now, with minimal improvement. If this looks set to continue, my availabilities for work may need to be reviewed, and it's possible I may even need to discuss taking an indefinite period of leave/actually leave, for business planning purposes.

The challenge: 8 of Pentacles reversed. Ha! Actually leaving/quitting/wrapping up etc. I'm emotionally tied to my job, no matter how much I grumble about it, and they are also anxious to keep me on as a bunch of my clients are also emotionally attached to ME and there is always client dropoff anytime someone leaves.

I feel like next week may have some heavy conversations.
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