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Old 14-09-2019, 06:52 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Still_Waters
First of all, I want to thank you for the kind words. I appreciate them.

I've actually been reading more physics lately and listening to videos on various aspects of physics to see if there are any conflicts between my paradigm of the Reality and (1) Physics in particular, (2) Science in general, (3) my direct experiences, etc. Thus far, such conflicts have not really materialized. That's why your post interested me.

I was fortunate to have practiced yoga/meditation for over 30 years under the guidance of a revered sage from India whom I accompanied to the Khumba Mela in India. At the foothills of the Himalayas in particular (as well as at other places throughout the world), I met some extraordinary beings and had some life-transforming direct experiences that helped to consolidate my understanding of the Reality. I've learned to question everything and to investigate Life from as many perspectives as possible to get as complete an understanding as possible.

I read your post with great interest, and plan to scan your other posts on this site when I have more time. As you indicated, I too "now prefer the direct contact one may have with reality as a source of exploration outside of the conceptual frameworks created by human mind as an explanation of what reality is." However, I continue to read books at times as others have done significant research in areas of interest to me, and such research can be validating as well as possible food for meditation. One can learn from everyone and everything.

I did read the work of Dr. Eben Alexander this summer. He is a neurosurgeon that experienced an NDE. I find his work interesting because before his NDE, he was only from the scientific approach he learned from school and from his knowledge of the brain it was absolutely impossible that he could of been conscious during his coma. Yet he experienced a form of very lucid consciousness during his coma. Of course it transformed his life and he makes now research in all fields to try to explain this experience.

Nothing much to learn in those books, but the process of transformation is very interesting to follow.

If ever you want to read his work, I would start by his first book "Proof of Heaven" where he describes what he experienced during his coma. I find a lot of similarities to what some may experience on the path as they meditate.

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