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Old 20-08-2019, 03:13 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: Delhi, India
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“Opposing forces,
duties done and left undone—
when does it end
and for whom?
Considering this, be ever desireless,
let go of all things,
and to the world turn an indifferent eye”

“Seeing all things as threefold suffering,
the sage becomes still
Insubstantial, transient, contemptible--
the world is fit only for rejection”

Sacrilege but we beg to differ
Based upon what we do infer
Detachment not indifference
Why anaesthetise sentience

Celebration not rejection
Exuberance not dejection
Pain may be but suffering imaginal
If we feel it is real not conjectural

As for the rest and reading between the lines
We do divine
That being not the doer there is no doing
In dynamic stillness too the Divine alone is moving

If we are here it is of our own choosing
Let our stillness then be our consciousness so accepting
Surrendering the illusionary ephemeral to the flow
Erasing negativity within to reveal our presence aglow

In stillness slow

The Self has no attribute
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