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Old 10-08-2019, 12:30 AM
LolKat LolKat is offline
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 38
Thank You!

Oh! I don't know why I wasn't thinking "day card, just for today." And yes, it may just be me looking at it, and going to the worst case scenario (I do that very well. It's a talent, really.) I feel like I've been getting deeper into tarot cards and yet I have no idea what is going on! Ok. Deep breath. Just another learning experience.

Thanks for responses! I don't have anyone to really speak to about tarot, or really anything spiritual at all, so this place is sort of my "community." :)

Oh, and the deck is one called the Animal Wisdom deck, by Dawn Brunke. It is based off the original Rider-Waite, and I have a few reference books that are also based off of the original, but I have a strong affinity for animals, so when I saw it, I knew immediately it was for me. :)
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