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Old 07-08-2019, 09:00 AM
Capricorn4life Capricorn4life is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 7
I was awake during my soul exchange. I didn’t know at the time exactly what was happening but in some way I knew the person/soul who had been was dying. I literally saw my life flashing before my eyes. As I wept and fought letting go I somewhere knew I was too sick to continue on. This was best for all. I let go. I then began being guided to information about my great grandmother I never knew who was a Navajo Indian. With time I realized I was in fact her. One shock that came was when I was trying to figure out bus routes from my home to work. It was as if it was a foreign language to me. I couldn’t do it. My family was very perplexed as it was nothing like my previous self. All I could think was, “it must be hard to be an ancient Navajo woman attempting to navigate the transit system of a busy modern city.” Indeed.
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