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Old 30-07-2019, 07:58 AM
Busby Busby is offline
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Originally Posted by meetjazz
On the end of the can read tons of religious books, visit all kind of gurus and temples...but is it like that? Like the Buddhist are saying? Or maybe is it like Islam is saying? Maybe Christians? Maybe Gnostics? Maybe Hindus? Or maybe Native Americans? Or maybe the old Egyptians had it right? Or maybe the Aztecs? Maybe voodoo priests? Or maybe some other religion or millions if not billions of different theories and philosophies have it right? Which book is right and which book is wrong? From my point of view people describe the same ''things'' with their own language and understanding, based on their own experience, culture...and each life form, each soul is completely unique, so noone is actaully wrong, we are the one who make them wrong, because they have to accept >>our own way.<<Probably also because we want to have assurance, we want to feel safe...we don't want to be wrong about the existence,...and don't have insecurity that we might be wrong...but ironically almost all religious books and texts....claim that God is in us, with him/her...and when we start to trust everyone and everything else more than oneself as our own holiness, our own inner knowing,...our own christ, vishnu, angel, goddess,... I think that's exactly the point where we begin to get lost, scared,afraid,...

Thanks meetjazz: just the right set of paragraphs for me to add my bit to your ponderings.

There's a fellow in Scotland called Andrew McTavish, you probably don't know him and I certainly don't but he's the one if you want to know what this world is all about. He is one of the 8 billion humans who live on this planet at the moment and what he'll tell you about life will be the truth.
Should you not believe him then ask Helmut Gerber - he lives in Germany you'll find him in the telephone book, what he will tell you will be the truth. As a last possibility when your world seems about to be unreal ask Elaine Defoe in Paris - she'll soon put you on the right track.

What's my point you may well ask. It's simply this; there is only one person who knows the truth and that person is surrounded with it, this person is you. The world in which you live is the only one there is, you formed yourself in your mother's womb to fit into the world about to be entered.

The only truth there is is you.
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