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Old 23-05-2019, 02:06 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

In the experiential aspect of meditation the journey of each individual is unique although the general tendency is of attempting to validate the unfoldings as felt by us within with those specific texts which somewhat correspond to our own findings, while conveniently ignoring clues offered by others.

On this forum itself we have scores of people who have had different types of spiritual awakenings and specifically cognition of kundalini movement & chakras corresponding to different locations within the body.

Perhaps some of us may like to share their own direct findings (not theory but actually experienced ‘reality’) related to kundalini and chakras during meditation or lucid dreaming or Bhakti dissolved states.

The idea is to simply share the experience and the type of consciousness upliftment if any both during and after the profound spiritual engagement which may be anything from a Oneness experience in/beyond form to sensory or vibrational or anything else at all.

Hi there.

I have shared my experiences with Kundalini many times on here and I really don't feel like I am up to going through the whole descriptive process yet again.

Suffice to say, you would have really enjoyed being on SF about two years ago - around the time I was shaken out of doing intense bhakti-trataka on an image of Lord Shiva when a volcano decided to explode within me.

Let's see now...there was a member called Dryad...A member called barrynu (I really miss him)...there was running (who is still around), there was myself...A couple of others and we spoke on here in great length and detail about "all things Shakti"....those were the days.

Now, it rarely gets mentioned...and I see that as actually being a "good thing" due to the reverence for this most sacred and holy of experiences.

From my teachings, beliefs, understanding and experience...which is nothing like the New Age Movement would have me believe...what I have felt, intuitively (and spiritually), corresponds more directly to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Tantric the Yoga Kundali Upanishad:

I first became aware of Kundalini in 1981 through the Theosophical Society... especially by reading a book called "The Serpent Power" by Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon)...but after having read that, it was his second book; "Shakta and Shakti" or the Mahanirvana Tantra which put it all into perspective for me...and like Noone, I also studied all the works of Pundit Gopi Krishna.

That was all during my late teens/early adulthood.

For the next 10 years, I immersed myself in kriya Yoga (not the kind that Swami Yogananda speaks about) as it applies to Hatha Yoga...I also spent about 4 hours a day doing yoga and meditation...but it was Lord Shiva who stole my heart...and it was to be through Lord Shiva's Grace that I would experience the ascent of Shakti herself (Kundalini) some 30 years later...about three years after I resumed doing pranayama and Dharana after about a 20 year hiatus of "burning off Karma" which needed to happen first.

I then realised why Hinduism has four "rites of passage" called varnashramas.

At first...and for many months after the initial awakening, I was lost in a sea of bliss... eventually, that settled down into a form of serene detachment..yet, I was also aware of some irreparable damage that had been done to my autonomic nervous system leading to weakness and seizures...As well as some kind of emotionally flat, ambivalent state...once one has tasted the Soma... everything else just tastes bland and unsatisfying by comparison..I had just entered the "Dark Night of the Soul"...and it is here that I pretty much remain...for now.

I spend most of my time on YouTube now, watching videos by Craig Holliday, Igor Kufayev, Stan Grof and others...As well as trying to still feel the love that I know I still have in my heart for Lord is as though He needs to surprise me with his Darshan...because He isn't like a trained dog who will come whenever I call Him anymore.

For the past three days, I have been chanting endless malas of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra because Nataraja is trampling upon the "demon of epilepsy" and I would just like all of my neurological symptoms to conveniently JAO! Vamoose! so that I may get on with having some semblance of a life.

Occasionally I will still get the deep bliss states, but I can count such times on the fingers of one hand..and they rarely last for any longer than a few days.. meanwhile, my spinal cord feels like an electro-whip, my extremities throb and pulsate..there is pressure in my forehead at the location of my "third eye" and migraines are also common.

I live in the hope that things can only get better...or I die...One or the other.
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