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Old 22-05-2019, 05:34 PM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
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Moving ahead from post 8 .... while all these transitions were going on, the priority of life itself became internalised with all external happenings, both termed as challenging being events playing out. We may say, a consciousness shift.

So, I then registered a ‘complaint’ with the Universe that during the third eye initiation, I was shortchanged in that the telepathic communication was not adequately resolved as far as my request was concerned in a manner comprehensible to me.

Soon, one night I awoke from a deep and restful sleep ... perhaps it was 2:40am or so ... well, I got up feeling vibrationally enhanced and was signalled that the revelation would be offered if I was willing. Of course I was!

What it is goes like this ...

Feeling all energy zones in alignment form taking a backseat, the kundalini energy seamlessly moved up from root to crown in a swoosh, passing by the intermediate ‘stations’ without pausing. A cool soothing energy.

Getting to the crown, it paused momentarily requiring cooperation and consent of in-form consciousness to annihilate itself by passing through an orifice in the crown. Kind of liquefying the essence of our ‘identity’ and dissolving in the current through the crown.

Having done so without hesitation, I saw a multi-petaled ... triangular petaled actually ... ok, let’s call it a lotus although a geometrically perfect circle with triangles around would be truthful actually. No, it was not thousand petalled as depicted. Maybe under 20 triangles which maybe called petals. Pink colour, white hues, purple clouds, light of soft hue ... yes, that about was it.

Moving through, my consciousness became one with Absolute Oneness. Sorry folks, no other way to express it. The entirety of creation known. Known but not translatable. How’s that for an inept delineation?

The entire vibration was Divine Love. The fabric of entirety. Alive as vibrant Divine Love which then I too was (Am!) indivisibly. Yet strangely distinct, in that dissolved yet distinct. Sorry if it sounds like a koan.

Well, there were telepathic discussions with the Source, not relevant to context here. Anyway, what seemed like a few minutes later (actually around 3 hours) my dissolved yet distinct consciousness descended back into form.

The best way I could portray it goes like this ... (reproduced from another thread on SF)

Pure awareness
Unattached to form
Just IS
As it IS
But since the awareness wishes
Choicelessly wishes
To engage in movement
It does
Creating matter
And energising it
With a part of itself
Without reducing itself
Or being affected by matter
Though in it, with it
And so
Matter ...
Or consciousness
Thus energised
By awareness
And becomes itself ...
There then being no difference
No separateness
Between the awareness
That brought this awareness
Into being

The human form
Of consciousness
Is the latent awareness
Having already yawned
Already stirred
And now awakening
Within form
To become awareness
Pure awareness
Without form
The body
An instrument magnificent
Enigmatically magnificent
Within which
Consciousness detects
Grid lines that connect ...
The entire body itself ...
Each grid line
Having nodes
These nodes are then occupied
By awareness
Making them conscious
Just as awareness
Once made consciousness awareness
And so
Each node is now consciousness
Enabling awareness
To be joyous in movement
Of the node consciousness
And awakening
Within it
Later to be distinct though unified
To itself become awareness
As is ALL

These grid lines
All interconnected
Across the body
Of which the spine to head chakras ...
Are but one
A prominent one but nevertheless ...
One of several grids
Each continuum of the grid
Whether at the node or without
Being alive & aware
So as such
Everything being awareness
In entirety
Yet ...
The magnification of awareness
At the nodes
Which are consciousnesses
Dormant and now created, born
Or say energised
And thereby enable
The totality of consciousness
Within form awakening
And experiencing awakening
In conjunction within
Nodes awakening
In unison
As a symphony
Of the formless movement
Of awareness itself
Are connected at all continuums
Of the entirety of awareness
Within form
Without form
As the one awareness
That IS


No elaboration offered
For the revelation in stillness
Which each consciousness
To & as awareness
In timeless time
Receives and becomes
As One in Oneness
Pure Awareness

So this was the first time. Who can forget the first time?

(to be continued)

The Self has no attribute
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