Thread: Eckhart Tolle
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Old 18-05-2019, 06:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by iamthat
Watching the thinker (my brief summary):

Listen to the voice in your head without judgement.
Become aware of yourself as the watcher of the thinking.
Feel yourself as the conscious witness of your thinking.
By not identifying with the mind, we no longer energise the mind.
This is the beginning of the end of involuntary and compulsive thinking.
As thought subsides you experience a gap in the mental stream between thoughts.
Resting in the gap, the gaps between thoughts become longer.
The nature of the space between thoughts is stillness and peace.
This is the beginning of the felt oneness with Being, the natural state.
With practice the stillness and peace deepen,and the joy of Being arises within.

Alternatively just become intensely conscious of the Now.

This all seems to be good stuff, and anyone who applies it should benefit.


Thanks iamthat; wonder if people can really "do" this without the physical strength of sitting meditation.

Not saying that he's wrong, but if it were so easy to teach people ways of truth, awakening wouldn't be as "rare as many say it is.

A question for you

Resting in "the gap" - what about sensations/these also need to be released, do they not? He only talks about thoughts...why?