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Old 30-04-2019, 02:27 PM
little.nation little.nation is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 289
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Christians say that space aliens are demons

My input....Well, of course they do...the religion is fear-based as we all know....
Why.... they think if Mary, the Holy Mother visits you, it's a demon, too. have that.

Fear, fear, fear. (Not all Christians, of course.) But if you are different you
are influenced by demons or are one!

Weren't the 1997 UFOs over Phoenix triangular? The biggest sighting ever in the entire world, btw!

I'm so sorry, I can't rem any particular shape of the UFO I saw very close up...and watched
silently, slowly move east for a very long time...Not circular, tho....
hmm, well not oval, either, not square....ya know I do believe it was slightly triangular,
just wasn't 'pointy' at the front.

The "ships" that I have seen are all triangular but they're curved and not straight edge.

Yes, demons pretend to be Jesus or Mary... Causing so much trouble for people.
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