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Old 12-04-2011, 02:53 PM
Posts: n/a
We may never be able to prove if there is existance after death. I do know for a fact that there is an existance after death. I don't have anything anyone will be able to see nor touch, feel or smell but I have experience. I can hear, feel, communicate with those who have passed away. I cnt make them come to me they just show up so I dnt control where and when. Ima make the story short, one day I was transported spiritually to the enterance of the other side. I saw many people there. It seems like we don't lose any aspects of ourselves or we may just see what is familiar to us as we lived in our physical self. I know you may have heard it before but there was a big bright light and the enternal bliss felt was amazing. My friends grandfather told me I couldn't enter when I tried because it wasn't my time. I was then pushed into my body. I would say I was day dreaming. But my friend was there wit me when I just blanked out on her and when I came out she asked me where I went. She felt the sensations and she told me she felt me leave. Years later just a few weeks ago it happened again. I was pulled the same way. This time I didn't go because I was too afraid. But. Am upset cause I want the feeling back. All I know is that everything ever learned may not be completely correct. We know almost nothing. Its my opinion we grow those stanges reaching one level to another and once we figure it out it makes the transitions better and we advance. Those who don't may get stuck and that's how we get our hauntings. Those who move forward have the abilIity to move from one plane to another when they chose too. I believe the physical detaches from the soul and the soul continues on as our true self. They have transfered their emtions to me their thoughts like and dislikes. Someday I hope we get answers to answer all our questions. We all will disagree to agree but the only thing I learned that in order to find your way is to have an open mind to everything and not close door because that's how we will grow spiritually. Thanks. This just an opinion from my life experiences.
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