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Old 27-03-2019, 04:06 PM
SilentWolfMan777 SilentWolfMan777 is offline
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Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
Let me try something here...

So, besides being non-dual, impersonal, conscious energy, what kind of creature am I?

I fully understand that I am not human, but that is ALL I know! I don't know whether I come from the "Light Side" or the "Dark Side" of the Force and whether I am to use my "gifts" to be part of mankind's salvation or annihilation...but whatever the case, I really wish I knew so that I can just get on with doing whatever it is I came here to do, be that good OR bad....As long as it is totally consistent with the "plan", I could not care less.

If you are really "God" or have access to the Divine One, you will fully understand the question that I am asking here...and when are you or your nemesis going to show up with my "instruction manual"?

You are Light, the Light of Love. There is no "dark side" but the seeming absence of Light - since it's all Light. This is an illusion however, as Light has different variations. The illusion is created through motion. Motion itself is the illusion - it's a cognitive trick to use to measure relativity in time/space.

If you would like to know what you should do, simply listen to your joy/heart. What feels good? do it. What doesn't? don't. It matters not if for you any action falls on either side of the spectrum, it's important to note that your "past" and "future" don't exist as you think but are enfolded in the current moment.

There is never a separation, when you think of a past you're experiencing it now, same with a future. You are a new BEing in every moment, how relative each BEing is to the previous moment is entirely dependent on you. You could be completely one way now and the inverse a moment later.

The 'Plan' is to realize that you are all powerful, regardless of which experiences you choose leading up to it. Enlightenment can be (equally) attained in a monastery after 800 meditation hours or in the 3rd hour of intense video gaming.

Your Instruction Manual is your Eye. Study it.
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