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Old 27-03-2019, 03:20 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by Lucky 1
I'd agree with all this......if you live in a modern country with access to everything you need food and or supplement wise....and you are lucky enough to have a metabolism that can handle it...most people don't.....a vegan diet can absolutely work.

In most places around the world'd simply become slowly malnourished on a vegan diet and get sick.

That's true. Veganism is only possible in wealthy, developed societies, and not in impoverished or undeveloped societies. The Jains are perhaps the most ethical eaters on Earth, but rely on milk products for some of their essential nutrients. It brings into to question veganism as the 'natural diet', but actually there is no 'natural human diet'. Before there was global refrigerated transport systems and labs manufacturing supplements, humans survived by consumimg both plant and animal produce, which was the only practical way to get all the essential nutrients. Now we live in modernity and have dietary supplements, fortified foods etc, so veganism becomes an option.

I'm reminded of a something I saw published by Michael Houston PHD, Professor Emeritus of the University of Texas Health Science center concerning veganism where he wrote "Perhaps 10 to 15 percent of the world wide human population have a metabolism that can be successful being completely free of animal products in there diet"
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