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Old 15-02-2019, 08:43 AM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by Lucky
Hi all. This is my second time posting in this section I see, as Qigong has been on my radar again. I was browsing some of the posts in this section today to try to gather more information about everyone's experiences with the practice, but already I'm becoming confused by reading some of the replies about who's doing it right or wrong, where to begin learning, and some posts about energy being stuck in their heads causing dizziness. So I will start a fresh post and ask questions in hopes someone would be kind enough to provide some insight.

It is interesting to see some old posts in this section about transitioning from reiki to qigong and how/if these practices compliment each other. Personally, having learned reiki 2 has sent me on quite an unpredictable journey of self discovery and awareness of energy. I'm grateful for all of it, but it has left me more confused than anything. With so many different new variations of reiki and symbols, I have come to my own personal conclusion that the way this modality has been marketed in the US is lacking structure and is wide open to many different techniques and ways of teaching so that anyone can brand and market their own new version of "reiki" and charge people to be attuned to new secret symbols. It all hasn't sat right with me, however I don't discount the ability to work with energy...I suppose I'm just looking for more structure and tangible, more predictable results.

So where do I begin qigong? Is it safe to learn from YouTube videos? If so, would you recommend what videos on YouTube I can safely use to begin? Are there any basic books about qigong you'd recommend? Would it be better for me to receive proper in person training, and if so, what would qualify someone as a master (if that's what they are referred to)?

Also, please feel free to share your stories and personal experiences with this practice...I'd love to hear them!

Thank you in advance!!

If you can find a Teacher it is more beneficial, once you learn the basics you can practice yourself.
There are so many different Styles, some are basically invented and named Qigong so a little research will help you decide what you want.
I practice 18 Lohan Hands and 8 Pieces of Brocade, the Brocade is what I would recommend for beginners but it's your choice. Look on Chinese Qigong Sites and get a basic understanding which will help you choose. The link below may interest you. If you need help just Post and If I can help I will, I teach Qigong....
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