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Old 11-02-2019, 01:33 AM
Sapphirez Sapphirez is offline
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Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
I'd ask: why would you bless bad people with everything life has to offer and curse good people?

S/he doesn't.. those that do bad create holes in themselves and no matter how much it seems they have to fill them, they are constantly draining and drowning in themselves.. the only apparently unjust aspect in accordance to this is their unconsciousness when it comes to actually seeing what they do and have become. However, on some level or another they are aware although it might not seem like it. And of course each is an individual and some are more aware than others, and some who do bad suffer more than others.. and most who do create suffering for others have at least once suffered themselves, so perhaps much like yourself they think that others need to suffer to even the playing field and that is why they create havoc and devastation for others when they only needed love and understanding.. not dissimilar to yourself for the mere nature of your melancholy ungrateful existence is torturous for others who care to have to witness, and do they deserve that? or should you share in the good that's accessible and available for all to see despite anything else?
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