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Old 05-02-2019, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Philos_Tone
Hello folks,

Does anybody have a proper answer to this? I will write some thinking points.

"Nothing" seems to be a very difficult concept, as in, did something come from nothing?

If we think of numbers, we may guess that 1 thing had to come from a large sum, not from zero.

We seem to experience this "nothing" every time we sleep. Time seems to pass in an instant. All of a sudden the next day is here. I dunno what I'm getting at, but here is something I realized, today, while writing this.

The Tao Te Ching kinda says that life fist originated from mystery itself. A very provocative and bold statement.

Do yiu agree? What have you postulated about the beginning of things?

There are limitations to what we, as mere humans, can understand. For instance we are unable to cognate on any spiritual plane at which we have not first earned ability. Before your posted questions can be answered this must be a given.

That unknowable spiritual identity which we call God is real. The business of God is to express. Through this ongoing effort it expands. The identity which we call God is ever growing as a result of this.

There is naught but spirit. Let's begin by stating that. There is high and low spirit. At the high end is God, the source. At the low end is physical matter. Now lets look closely at the manifestation of spirit in it's varying degrees of existence. At the highest level spirit is so very pure that it is inaccessible by all but those lesser planes which are near to it. This is the reason we cannot know God. We do not have access. As we move our gaze "lower" though we find that we are increasingly able to discern a reality. But the landscape before us is ever changing. The reason for this will be spoken of in a minute. For now accept that it is true.

At the lower end of the spectrum we find what we call physical matter. We know that it is nothing but "energy". But what is energy? Energy as we identify it is nothing more than the essence of the lowest of the spiritual planes. That's all it is. More… There is physical energy. There is ethereal energy. There is astral energy. There is mental energy. There is divine energy. And so on….

Energy varies as turn our gaze higher. In the physical we find familiar dimensions. Length, breadth and width. These define the lower spiritual planes. We note that what we call "time" results from these. The reason is because we are at the farthest point from "infinity" which, in reality, is the absence of time.

As we turn our gaze higher we see that each of the higher planes is less substantial than those below. Each has dimension. Each has time. But since each successive is constructed of higher spiritual matter each seems different. This should not surprise us at all. One way to understand is to consider a question which is so often asked by human beings who seek.

"If God knows already how we will choose why do we have freedom of choice?" The answer is simple. We are made of and operate in the various lower planes of spiritual matter. We are immersed in the limitations of our existence. So... we think in terms of "before" and "after" etc etc..... Time, to us, is a factor which determines reality. Now consider the highest plane where God is. Remember that as we ascend from the physical we find that matter is less and less substantial from our point of view. At each higher level though this is not true. Those beings which are made of and reside on each plane find their surroundings as solid as we find outs. Now consider "time" From our vantage point on Earth we will find that time slows as we ascend. From our viewpoint since the properties of the matter of each higher plane "thin", time also slows until, at the highest level, it stops. At the highest plane possible there is no time at all. God is timeless. "Before Abraham was, I am." From the viewpoint of the source (God) all simply "is". This is the reason, this answers the philosophical question regarding our inability to understand why we have choice but God already knows. See? It is because we are on a very low plane where time is fast but God is at the highest where time does not exist. From our viewpoint time flows but at God’s level all is simply “now”. Our human minds cannot relate to this. As we grow and leave the human cycle behind though we will be better equipped and function in greater realities. Einstein once asked: “What does a fish know about the water in which it swims?” His mind had higher access than most.

Now consider what we call "nothing". As we turn our gaze inward we find some point at which our understanding fails. This we have come to call "zero". This concept is merely a convenience which allows our finite understanding to have a reference point. And when we look at zero what do we see? We see "nothing". That is all. It is no more complex that that. As a demonstration of this reality draw a line and at the center mark “zero”. Now to the left and right index ever higher numbers in both positive and negative expression. If zero means nothing and if nothing is illogical and impossible then how can any of the other numbers be real? This business of zero or nothing then is only a thing which allows us to express the reality of our existence in a meaningful way. We can only find meaning when we look to a higher plane upon we which we are not yet functional. Science knows this. It is the reason they endure the ever receding horizons of knowledge with patience and confidence.

We will find that, as we progress with spiritual growth, the reference moves too. What we did not understand yesterday has moved into the realm of the the ordinary but something new has taken it's place. As we live we grow and as we do so our horizons continually move ahead. This is the way we are able to make sense of it all. When a child asks the parent to explain something do we tell the child the high philosophical truth or do we tend to water it down because we know that the child is yet unable to comprehend? This inclination demonstrates to the seeker the fact of the ever changing landscape which both limits and facilitates he or she who searches......

There is much more to this of course. We must note that along the way we humans tend to codify the wisdom of the moment and express it in terms of "laws". But nothing stops. We eventually outgrow laws as given because we have seen the truth of the movable horizon. We note that here on Earth there are those who look forward and those who find solace in the truths of yesteryear. This is the reason.

"Nothing" is only a concept which allows us to establish a point of reference. Whenever we hear or read that word will will know that a boundary of understanding, based on the point of spiritual growth of the speaker, has been reached.

Those who know the most are so very often the same people who have learned the art of humility. What we find in this is the mere recognition that as we learn and practice, developing wisdom, we move into those wonders that before existed in theory only.

Religions exist and continue because of the great variance of spiritual positioning of souls on Earth. At any given moment most souls are relatively young and inexperienced. This is because new souls are being created (born to spirit) all the time as the older leave for other adventures in "living" through which then find homes on the higher planes. This is the great mystery that we sometimes call "ascension".

All is in motion. God expresses. Even here at the bottom as it were we are bound to the divine impulse. We cannot know this force but we can appreciate that it exists and that we are a part of it. And as we raise our awareness we find that the old limitations are replaced by new ones. These are the "nothings" that will someday be erased completely. But human beings do not exist at those levels. We are lower spiritual beings. Each of us will eventually join a higher mode of expression. The road goes ever onward (JRRT).


Please excuse this very inadequate response. We…. Hope that what is said will lead to greater vision.

Last edited by bartholomew : 06-02-2019 at 06:30 AM.
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