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Old 20-12-2018, 01:30 AM
Lynn Lynn is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Past Pluto in the vastness of space and time
Posts: 13,932
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Best of the Season to our Members

Hello Member and more Friends

I want to take the time to send out well wishes for the holiday season. While I am from Canada where there has been a shift in how we express the season wishes, I honor Merry Christmas, and Seasons Greetings. I too honor that there are so many faiths and religion’s out there to also embrace. That is the wonder that we call “Metaphysics”.

Metaphysics: Derived from the Latin word Meta which means beyond, metaphysics would literally mean that which is beyond the laws of physics. The study of psychical research. We have Aristotle to thank for this vast and wondrous subject. Just imagine if he had not coined the name, we might not have the wonderful site we call Spiritual Forums.

I pause at this time of year and look back on February 2007 when I came to find the site. So much has changed over those years and its not as vast as it once was. Much is due to how we communicate and how we use technology at times. Gone are the large desk top computers, for many, and even at times the lap top, down screened to a tablet or phone. It makes reading much smaller and as the site is so vast it does impact web forums across the board. Yet me and the team of Staff I have on site we move ever forwards into 2019, holding in honor Matt’s name and memory.

I look back on all the friends I have that are not maybe active on site still, I look to the wonderful husband I have with me now. We got married in 2014. I look at how so many wonderful stories have been shared here over the years.

For those newer to the site we have had a ride here on site. The site has gone “lights out” twice, once being after the passing of Matt, while the title of it was sorted and once when “Data Backup” failed and we had to literally start from day one again. So much material was lost, and we all had to re-register to join again. Yet we are still here. It’s a blessing not done alone, it takes a team to run things, it takes members to keep us going.

Moving into 2019 I want to thank everyone for their continued supports and growth.

In what ever matter you choose to celebrate or even not celebrate the season, know that your thought of and valued. If you need me, I am a Personal Message away.

SF Admin
If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.
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