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Old 09-12-2018, 08:45 PM
Still_Waters Still_Waters is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
[color=Black]Good morning Still Waters.[/COLOR

Couple things....the Diamond in the Sky was from Isaac Asimov the Sci Fi
writer, I believe. :)

So that you didn't just believe me...I double checked the Hindi dictionary, Nam or Naam really does only mean name.
And yes, Sat is true or truth.

I bought maybe 3 copies from Amazon of Kirpal Singh's 'Naam or Word', btw.

There really are just 2 main techniques to know from Kriya Yoga, no 3, sorry...Yogananda himself dropped the 4th...thinking it a bit much for Westerners.
SO funny to talk to devotees of 20 years that have no idea of the Fourth.

We can talk of these privately if you want. They technically are not big deals...BUT, they are
the simple tools of focusing within on whatever you'd like to call 'It'...the Essence of what is within all...closer than your own skin....

I see you started a thread on what I consider to be one of the most profound clues, messages, advice to us here.
I have it on wood hanging...''Be still and know that I am God.''

Other most profound verses?

Seek the Kingdom of Heaven First...all else will come...
Delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways and he will make straight your path...

3 of the 4 are from the I think we are ok in Judaism!

These are instructions of how to be more than happy while here.

I am very familiar with Isaac Asimov, a professor as well as an author of science fiction works and popular science books. I have one of his science books in my library.

As for Satnam, you are correct. Although "Nam" is very close to both "Nama" and "Namah", it does mean "name" as you pointed out. Since I don't use a "name" for God but simply enter the stillness without words or thoughts to connect, I don't think in terms of a "name" and so my little personal bias crept into this dialogue.

As for Yogananda's four kriyas, I don't remember any of them, including the fourth. (I was more drawn to Yogananda's teacher, Sri Yukteswar, than Yogananda to be perfectly honest.) I did subscribe to his kriya lesson many many years ago and probably incorporated several of his techniques into my practice without remembering exactly what I took from him. However, since this is a Judaism forum, I'll send you a private message regarding the four.

Regarding other quotes, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His right-use-ness, and all other things shall be added unto you", is definitely one of my guiding lights as is "Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God." Since we're in the Judaism sub-forum, I should note that Ecclesiastes and Psalms are two of my favorite books as is the book of Jeremias since Jeremias demonstrated true prophecy by seeing the future in terms of unfolding possibilities and not as "cast in concrete".
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